Monday, August 15, 2005

Food Galore

I finally had a 2 day weekend (I know that sounds normal but I haven't had 2 days in a while) and I tried to cherish every minute of it! On Friday, I skipped out work for a bit to see my sis off to HK for exchange. It's sad, I don't usually talk to my sis that much but I find that I talked to her more and more as it got closer to her departure date. I mean I'm talking to her on MSN right now! Apparently it's muggy and pouring rain in HK. Haha, I had to laugh cuz she left sunny Vancouver for that?! But I'll miss her, she just laughs at all my stupid jokes. I won't miss her celebrity fetish though!

Friday night I went to this cheap hot pot place. 2 for 1 meat plate. It was good! I think I'll be coming more often. I also went to see the meteor showers, or at least attempt to! First we went to QE Park but the city lights were waay too bright, we couldn't see the showers. We then went to the 41st UBC highway. There I saw about 3 meteor showers. It was my first time and it was definitely beautiful but I guess I was expecting more.

On Saturday I went to 2 BBQ's back to back, boy was I full! But I had my fill of Korean bbq ribs and fish balls, salad, and hamburgers. The last BBQ was for my friend's bday and we had mondo's gelato cake! I guess it was extra special because she got engaged prior to this party so it almost seemed like a bridal shower when she was opening her gifts. Ahh weddings, I can rant off forever about them.

Finally on Sunday, I went to Point Roberts. It's this tiny penninsula below the 49th parallel jutting from Delta. Littel did I know that it was so tiny, with no attraction except for the lighthouse park. There was a rocky beach and a rocky path to the trailer park. The lighthouse itself was pathetic too! We went in Dex's car which had no A/C so it was extra hot and muggy. Well it was an experience. We went to the other side of the penninsula and the water view was better with quaint little houses. It was funny when we were driving just beside the border. The fence was really high with apartments soo close to it but that side was technically Delta, not US.


Blogger ~.:*em*:.~ said...

aww gadzzzzz!!! i miss you tooooo!!! fai di strike yoon and come to HK and live w/ me at starr hall!!! oh wellz dont come now cuz the weather sux here! k talk to you on msn!

6:50 PM  

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